Monday, October 3, 2016

Techies Day

1,713 pound winner

Slow news Monday. Bertha is now halfway to the finish line. Local growers hauled their giants to the Georgetown neighborhood of Seattle for the Giant Pumpkin weigh-off.  This guy will get scooped out, scorched inside and then filled with Elysian pumpkin beer for the Great Pumpkin Beer Festival next weekend.  A happy ending, I'd say.

We have two more trips coming up soon, but we're back to our normal routines this week. It's cool and rainy and feels like fall.  There's early dinner at home and a bit of TV in the evening.  In our case, something either pre-recorded by John, out of a red envelope, or on PBS.  And of course, tis the season for football on network TV. How about those Dawgs and Seahawks?

October 3 is "Techies Day." A big shout out to John and all his techie kind.  I can barely work the remote so having a live-in technology expert is high on my list of life gratitudes. Yes, he always has his nose stuck to some device or another, but there are advantages. I don't have to run to the Apple Store with every complaint.

And last night he Gerry-rigged my laptop to the TV downstairs so we could stream Poldark. He made it look easy! My clever little computer was perched on Nova and Maya's step stool while we watched that addictive series on the big TV.  Lots of drama, Cornish scenery and hair blowing in the wind.

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