Wednesday, November 25, 2015

King tide and beaver moon

We had a quick, wild windstorm yesterday afternoon.  Not the typical damp wind from the south, but dry, freezing air funneled straight down through the Frasier Valley in British Columbia.  In a couple of hours, it scoured out every trace of fog and clouds.  When this happens, the world suddenly stands out in sharp relief, like taking off dirty glasses. You go outside and have a breath of fresh Arctic air.

At the same time, we had one of the highest tides of the year, making for impressive waves on Alki Beach. The video is from the West Seattle blog. "King" tides occur naturally in the winter when the sun and the moon align, causing an increased gravitational pull on the Earth's oceans. The meteorologists say this is just a sneak preview of global warming.

A spectacular full moon rises tonight, right in time for Thanksgiving. November’s full moon was called the Beaver Moon, because it was the time to set traps before the waters froze over.

My hunting and gathering is done for Thanksgiving. Today is the day to avoid all grocery stores. Now comes the cooking part. I'm making a gluten-free dinner, and for dessert a pumpkin cheesecake recipe I found on the Internet.  It's kind of hard to go wrong with the basic ingredients of cheesecake, but as they say, the proof is in the pudding.  And Cool Whip hides anything.

This clear, cold weather is supposed to last the entire weekend, but the rest of the country is not so lucky.  God speed and safe travels to our family members on the road today-- Amanda, Tom and the girlies coming over the mountains late tonight, and also Brian, Julie and their boys driving down to Las Vegas from Utah to visit Marji. 

For Mom and Dad in Cripple Creek and Mom in Ohio, we send our love and hope you have a nice Thanksgiving tucked up at home. I wish you could be here for a piece of cheesecake.

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