Monday, November 9, 2015


What the Shell Says
John Eastman

And the shell says, it's going to rain, rain, rain in Seattle.
And snow, snow, snow in the mountains.

November is our wettest month and I think the darkest month, too, when we abruptly go off daylight savings time.  Soon Christmas lights will cheer up the quiet dripping neighborhoods. In about 30 days, we turn the corner again at the Winter Solstice, and the light slowly starts creeping back.  

The seasons, they go round and round..

Oh, nuts

I made a batch of candied walnuts this weekend, from an unusual and slightly tricky recipe from an old book. They're worth the trouble  and keep in the freezer indefinitely.  (Just remember to hide them in the back, or you'll snitch a few each time you open the door.)  Since walnuts are one of the very healthiest nuts, you can easily justify the bit of sugar and honey sugar.  They are great plain, in salad with feta cheese and also stir-fry.

Candied Walnuts

1/2 pound walnut halves and pieces
2 tbs. honey
2 tbs. sugar
pinch salt

Heat oven to 350. Place the walnuts in a 2 quart saucepan.  Cover with hot water and bring to the boil.  Boil 5 minutes then drain in a colander.  Add the water, sugar, honey and salt to the pan, bring to a boil and then add the drained walnuts.  Stir the nuts in the mixture until they become dry, about 4 minutes.

Spread them on a baking sheet lined with foil sprayed with non-stick cooking spray. Bake the nuts until they become a light mahogany color, turning them every few minutes. This takes 5-10 minutes.  Be careful.  They burn in the twinkling of an eye.

After they cool, break apart any pieces. They should be nice and crispy.  If you resist eating them all up right away, store airtight in the freezer.

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