Thursday, June 4, 2015

A good story

You might remember the little bear named "Cinder" injured in the Carlton-Complex wildfire last summer.  Her paws were melted off, but somehow she managed to crawl on her elbows. She weighed 35 pounds when someone found her hiding under a trailer.

Many wild animals and livestock perished in the fires, but Cinder became a symbol of human kindness and resilience.

A pilot volunteered to fly Cinder to a wildlife rehabilitation center in Idaho, providing he could get  the crate in his plane. A tight fit! The Methow Valley News gave updates on Cinder's progress as the burns slowly healed and she gained 100 pounds.

Cinder was not a "nice" patient, and that was considered a good sign. There wasn't any attempt to turn her into a "Smokey the Bear" mascot. But she made a boyfriend in captivity, and both bears were finally released near Wenatchee this week. Not exactly wilderness, but an area with plenty of food and water where they might have a fighting chance.

These last few moments are called "tough love" to warn the bears that humans are not their friends.
At least, most of the time.

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