Tuesday, August 23, 2011


"Things fall apart-- the center cannot hold."
William Butler Yeats

Even if you like to think of yourself as a clean and careful person, things still break. Wine glasses jump from your hand and shatter on the tile floor. (As punishment for clumsiness, you own the world's worst broom.) Turn your back and everything is dirty and cluttered. Then the computer needs a cold boot. There are mice under the stove. Computerized washing machines give error messages when you have loads and loads of dirty clothes. The bedroom window cord snaps and won't open on a hot night. A bathroom drawer you've opened 10 times a day for 20 years falls to pieces when you pull it a tad too hard. Well, maybe chaos theory is just more obvious when you live in an old house.

But it isn't just things, is it? The day will also come when our body surprises us. No matter how much care we give it, or how lucky we've been so far. Stuff just happens.

Please keep our Montana friends Candi and Roger in your thoughts and prayers. Roger recently had a bone-marrow transplant in Salt Lake City to treat leukemia, and they wrote about the experience on their beautiful blog, the Bone Marrow Boogie. Now they are facing treatments again as the cancer is back a third time. Yet they continue to live their daily lives with a grace and bravery that inspires so many others.

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