Friday, February 28, 2025

Going bananas



Yesterday was our anniversary, and John spoiled me with two fabulous bouquets, a tiramisu cake from Metropolitan Market and take-out Thai food for dinner. 

I'm afraid all he got in return was a card, but hopefully 32 years of decent cooking is just another way to say I love you.

 (Yes, that long.)

This tropical bouquet with the mini banana cluster is the most delightful thing and makes me smile each time I walk by. I was a florist in another lifetime so appreciate the skill and creativity to come up with an idea like that. With the red ginger and tropical foliage, it should last a long time (if we don't eat the bananas!)

Have a good weekend. We are enjoying a few days of "Fool's Spring" up here in Seattle. 

So long February. If March comes in like a lamb, will it go out like a lion?


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