Tuesday, June 7, 2016

The bamboo report

 "The force that through the green fuse drives the flower..."

The underground bamboo roots are still sprouting up all over the back yard.  Almost every morning I go on patrol with my clippers and cut off shoots like this one.

In the afternoon, when I want to sit outside with a glass of wine for a few peaceful minutes, there's always more that weren't there in the morning.  Arg! They can grow a few inches on a hot day. The good news is the culms are only fingerling size now. Each time you cut them to the ground, they get smaller.

But does this plant ever give up? The brute life force contained in a stranded, abandoned, desiccated and unfed bamboo root is pretty amazing.

After you've cut them off enough times, they make a last desperate effort and send up clumps of little green leaves that blend right in with the lawn.  Bamboo is grass, after all.  So the battle goes on. I will prevail.

It's been hot enough here to make a crow pant. This guy was hanging out yesterday in the bath where they dip their bread and other scavenged stuff to make a sort of crow soup. I suppose it cools them off.  Well, crows get thirsty too, so I try to keep it filled with semi-clean water.

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