Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Crab's revenge

Yesterday afternoon a semi truck overturned and dumped thousands of pounds of crab on the Alaska Way Viaduct.  We're not talking about "Krab Meat" here, but big King crab legs that retail for over $20 a pound. An expensive mess.  Some of the frozen legs even fell to the street below.  No one was injured.

I wonder...if a box of frozen crab legs fell off a truck in front of me would I be too proud? Well, I wasn't in the vicinity to be tempted.

The road was closed for four hours, and it took five dump trucks to haul the crustaceans to the dump.

This made for an impressive traffic jam, even by Seattle standards.  Speaking of the Viaduct, what's our Bertha doing these days?

According to WASHDOT she traveled 1400 feet of 9300 and is "resting" now in Zone 2.  Soon she attempts to pass just 15 feet beneath the teetering old Viaduct, which will be closed down for safety reasons during that time.

The 100,000+ cars that use the highway daily will need another route for several weeks. Or perhaps, forever, if the Viaduct is seriously damaged in the process.  This will stink much worse than any load of crab.

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