Friday, January 9, 2015

Busy days

No messing around on the computer in jammies for me this morning.  The furnace repair guys were knocking at the door bright and early, and hopefully they fixed the intermittent problem with the thing coming on. Of course when the doctors arrived, it was behaving perfectly. 

Can you believe it,  I worked in the garden yesterday?  That's right-- alliums, tulips and unidentified things (weeds) are coming up fast.  In fact it seems like the growing never stopped this winter and seven yards of compost couldn't keep nature tamped down for long. 

No wonder. This past year will go down as the warmest ever on record at Sea-Tac Airport, at least since 1945, when planes started landing here and weather records were officially recorded.

There were many excited birds out in the yard which cheered me up while doing some dirty cleanup.  I like our yard because people can't see in unless they really crane their necks.  That's important living in an urban village. And the birds don't notice when you go out and work in the morning looking like a hag.

Oregon juncos, chickadees, assorted sparrows, the secretive Bewick's wren (maybe) and even Anna's Hummingbird clicking around enjoying the winter-blooming camellia.  The jay boys haven't been begging on the deck lately so maybe they're eating up the 10 pounds of peanuts they stashed.  Even the crows are fairly quiet. It's the time of year when avian thoughts turn to love.

I got in a nice trail ride this afternoon with Dolly on Belle and Spanky.  Then we talked about movies and this and that while cleaning stalls together.  A good barn friend and the pleasure of being above the foggy temperature inversion going on in Seattle this week. It was over 50 degrees out in the Cascade foothills. Almost felt like spring. I came home happy and dirty.

Tomorrow evening there's a big Seahawk game to watch on TV, and then the opera Sunday (Tosca) and dinner with our friend Candi afterwards. I better start scrubbing some of the grime off my fingernails.  Have a great weekend!

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