Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Bake Cookies Day

December 18th is Bake Cookies Day, so says my calendar of holidays and wacky days. Well, after this week of such sad news we could all use more sweet dreams, sweet hopes, sweet wishes, sweet love, sweet friends, sweet treats, sweet holidays.

As it happens, today really is a big cookie day for me, which is why I'm late to my computer this morning. I'm finishing up my cookie contribution to John's work pot luck tomorrow.  I thought I'd just make coconut pecan dream bars (the favorite) but it didn't seem quite like Christmas without nut and date balls, Russian teacakes, gingerbread stars, coconut butter cookies, and a new one this year, white chocolate and cranberry drop cookies.  And other friends might be looking for their annual cookie tin, so I was on a roll again. In more ways than one-- did I really need to gobble 4 or 5 cookies last night while we were watching White Christmas?

King 5
Snow fell last night around Puget Sound, but Seattle was in the rainshadow (make that snow shadow) of the Olympic mountains. But it is windy and cold this morning. As you know, it doesn't take much snow to get us excited here, and for the first time in many years, rumors are circulating about the possibility of a white Christmas.


  1. Snow in Seattle? Change that song title from "I'll Be Home For Christmas" to "I May Not Be Home For Christmas," otherwise known as "I'll be Sitting in my Car at a Dead Stop on I5." Best of luck to you!

  2. If there's no snow, there's always the consolation of cookies around here. I got depressed looking at Vera Ellen's teeny-tiny waist in White Christmas, so had a "few" last night.
