You know I like to make a brisk start in the morning, but today I didn't jump up. I woke up as dull as dirt, and instead of posting a 6 am blog I fiddled on my computer looking at garden pictures from last spring and summer. Like these beautiful succulent baskets.
This made me happy about the season ahead, and depressed thinking about all the upcoming work. A big breakfast of hash browns and Teresa's delicious farm eggs helped, followed by strong tea at 10 am. Maybe I just needed detoxification, following an excess of pizza and wine topped off by a bad movie.
When we lived in England many years ago, people would sometimes say "I'm feeling a bit liverish today." It was a common complaint that required no explanation-- everyone knew what you were talking about. Speaking of liverish, I have to plug the wonderful Traditional Medicinals brand of tea. Maybe it's just the placebo effect, but they all seem to "work" and there's a formula for just about every simple human ailment.

It is a beautiful day in Seattle-- not a cloud in the sky and the temperature in the 50's. After we eat leftover pizza for lunch (hey, I've been detoxed) I'm planning to go outside and pull apart the ratty succulent baskets, replant everything and then fertilize. After that, it's up to the hens n' chicks to do their thing. It's a boring job but only has to be done once a year. And with the early spring sun on your back, not a bad way to spend the afternoon.
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