Wednesday, March 23, 2011

What's cooking?

You might have noticed a lack of recipe posts lately. That's because the cook is bored. The cook is in a rut. The cook is tired of heavy winter food (braised, roasted, stewed, boiled) but it's still too cold to grill. For that matter, the cook is afraid to even open the outside grill, which probably looks like a science mold experiment. I can't imagine anyone is interested, but a week of supper menus looks something like this:

Monday: penne pasta with Italian sausage and salad
Tuesday: chicken stir fry and Trader Joe's pot-stickers
Wednesday: pork chops with red potatoes
Thursday: bean soup (or beef stew) and cornbread (from a mix)
Friday: tillapia with cabbage salad (from a package)
Saturday: Thai takeout
Sunday: roast chicken with Stovetop and frozen vegetables
Monday: repeat, starting with leftover chicken/noodle casserole

Not horrible, but not exactly "Mediterranean" either. And there's no excuse for it, with a shelf of cookbooks and Martha Stewart and Rachel Ray magazines showing up in the mailbox. Tonight? Pork stir fry with pea pods, and you guessed it-- Trader Joe's pot-stickers.


  1. Early spring is always a difficult time to cook. It's hard to feel inspired when the vegetables and fruits that have been in cool storage all winter look a tired. There's nothing fresh and local for many weeks yet. One saving grace: strawberries. They are the best thing at the market.

  2. Yes, and have you noticed how expensive nice fruits and veggies are? Has something to do with that (almost) $4 a gallon gas.
