Friday, September 20, 2019

The good life

It's a pretty good life for a bunny, here in the big city.  He dines on hollyhock seeds, windfall apples and clover flowers in our weedy, weedy yard.

Nothing like the 30 inches of rain in Texas this week, but we've had an unusual amount of September moisture. Look how fast the grass (and moss) greened up. It will stay green now until it turns brown again next summer, one of the things I like about our temperate Seattle climate. The Emerald City.

This jasmine decided to twine itself up an old wheel. Sometimes garden accidents are the best. Unfortunately, the jasmine polyanthum is a tropical variety and won't survive a hard freeze. If we have a mild winter they can make it, if I cover them at night. There's another massive one planted in a half barrel, so I can't drag them in and out of the basement anymore.   

The Washington Post garden columnist Henry Mitchell once wrote this about September:  

There is no need to think of September as the trash bin of the year, with just scraps of leftover things in the garden, because many things are only coming to perfection at the end of summer--a soft and gleaming season.

Such as the Autumn Sedum coming into its own.  There's nothing dainty about this beautiful workhorse of the garden.

Well, the last busy week of summer draws to a close, and Monday is the first day of Fall.
Have a great weekend. 


  1. Hello from Sue to Sue. I came over from Pat's blog (Weaver of Grass). I too have been following her for years. I'm jealous of your green, as here in West Virginia it has not rained for weeks and is terribly dry.

  2. Hi Granny Sue, thanks for commenting! I'm really looking forward to reading your blogs.
    Sue in Seattle
