Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Old things, new things

So many poignant songs and poems have been written about September. No wonder. September is  typically a lovely month here, not exactly summer, but still dry and warm.  This week has been more like a preview of October, with heavy showers and cloudy mornings.

Today should be nice once it burns off, a pleasant 70 degrees, so I'll walk 7 blocks down to the store for my afternoon shift. I'm still working alone, which means I have to think on my feet and have opportunity for all sorts of creative mistakes. Not that anyone seems worried. I haven't been demoted to the back room yet.

I'm tired after 4 hours and John picks me up in the car. We get home right before our early dinnertime at 5, so I always make something that just needs heating up. This morning, a pot of vegetable soup with leftover Costco rotisserie chicken.

With this weather, I'm into fall housecleaning in a big way, tearing into closets and pulling things off jammed shelves, also cleaning out the girl's baby toys and books. Every week I take a couple of bags down to the Stop n' Shop.  It's fun seeing "my stuff" for sale, people excited about their finds, and the money going to a good cause. What goes around, comes around. Most of it came from thrift stores and yard sales anyway.

I found this pretty doll someone gave me long ago, the poor thing stuffed in a drawer.  She's an antique French boudoir doll, and there's an exact replica for sale on Ebay, where you can literally find anything in the world.

Mine doesn't have original clothing or a trademark, so she's not especially valuable, despite being 100 years old. Back in the 1920's, these fancy lady dolls were popular with grown women, who used them as decor in their bedrooms.  Apparently they appear in the 1930's "Nick and Nora" movies, like "The Thin Man," which added to their popularity. She's a keeper, even though Maya and Nova think she's too scary to play with. 

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