Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Travel light(ish)


"He who wants to travel happily must travel light." Antoine de Saint

Frankly, neither of us are real good at that. We're "what if" people and try to be prepared for every little thing. John's big fear is running out of clean shirts before the trip is over. And I'm a weather fretter, always worried about being hot, cold, wet, etc. Or just looking awful in rumpled, dirty clothes. Hence, I always over pack.

Tomorrow morning, fingers crossed, we fly all the way to Buffalo NY. A few days after I booked the flight, good old Delta changed our itinerary to transfer planes at JFK instead of Minneapolis, which added another hour to the long travel day. So it goes. 

On Friday, we drive to Ithaca in the Finger Lakes area, known for dozens of waterfalls and Cornell University, among other things. I'm especially looking forward to visiting the Cornell Institute of Ornithology, and if we can get up early on Saturday, a guided bird walk at Sapsucker Woods Preserve. 

I rented a tiny bungalow in town, that's also adjacent to nature trails. It should be a fun city to explore for the first time.

On Tuesday, the highlight of the week, 2 nights at the glitzy Tower Hotel in Niagra, on the Canadian side of the falls. I've never been there, and John only once as a small kid.

Weather? I was hoping for sunny fall days but it looks like a mixed bag, with rain in Ithaca over the weekend. But the fall foilage in that part of New York state is just coming into the peak. It should be a most memorable trip. At any rate, something different for us. 

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