Tuesday, February 27, 2024

Whatever it takes...


To bring a little spring into the house. The pussy willows came from Trader Joes yesterday. I went there for just the usual things, but hard to resist those bunches right outside the front door. Like Costco, you some need some strong willpower to not succumb to impulse shopping. Anyway, a cheerful sight on the mantle for a few weeks.

Nothing much to talk about except the bad weather, which is not exactly newsworthy in February. There is an astonishing amount of snow falling in the mountains this week. That's a good thing, if you don't have to travel. February is the snowiest month in the Northwest and the La Nina is fading. The ski areas are ecstatic.

Down here in the lowlands, another story entirely. Despite the cold temperatures, the early trees are starting to bloom along our street. 

This map shows the many different micro climates, and our neighborhood is sometimes referred to as the "banana belt" of Seattle. 

Congratulation to us, today is our 31st anniversary. February 27th is an easy date to forget! I asked John this morning,"who the heck gets married in February?" He said, "we must have been in a hurry."

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