Friday, August 4, 2023

Pink pickled eggs


These probably look pretty weird, unless you're from a place like eastern Pennsylvania, where they pickle and preserve everything, from meat and fish to vegetables and eggs. It was typical to see a big jar of these sitting on a counter as bar snacks. In retrospect, an unappetizing sight at room temperature.

There is an old saying that Pennsylvania Dutch meals should have “seven sweets and seven sours." In other words, eat some cake—but eat some pickles, too. 

Another custom I remember from childhood was all the food  being set out on the table and passed around at once, especially for casual supper. (The big cooked dinner was always mid-day.) In the evening, we helped ourselves to fried potatoes, cold cuts, bread, pickles, leftover pie and cake-- everything together on the same plate. The food was simple but delicious.

If you're inclined to try these Barbie eggs, the simple hack is just using the juice from an empty jar of pickled beets. My mother would never throw out such a useful thing, so she made these occasionally. We loved them. They are a tasty snack and pretty on salads.

It's Sea Fair weekend in Seattle, basically the last big summer festival. Summer isn't over, but the season always has a winding down feeling after that, with football starting and school around the corner. 

A sudden change in the forecast this morning, as monsoon rain clouds drift up from the southwest, bringing rain to eastern Washington. Some showers might push across the Cascade Mountains and reach us.

An unusual weather pattern, because our famous Seattle rain typically comes in from the Pacific. But any moisture will be welcome in western Washington.

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