Tuesday, July 25, 2023

Life is just a bowl of cherries


Unless you're a Washington State small cherry grower and most likely losing money, despite the record breaking crop. I bought 6 pounds of cherries for $6 at Lone Pine yesterday, a jaw-dropping price, especially for Rainiers.

A number of factors came together, creating a perfect storm for growers, including the timing of the California and Washington cherry crops (them late, us early) leading to a lack of skilled pickers moving north with the harvest. 

Anyway, Click here for the local story. Talk about a heart-breaking crop. But their loss is our gain and we've been gobbling them up as fast as possible.

So, back in Seattle. It actually rained for a bit last night, not enough to water anything, but what a beautiful sound and it wet down the dust. Speaking of which, everything is covered with it, inside and out, from the field construction project down the street. When I closed the window last night, could have written my name on the sill. Ugh.

Since I'm here for a while, might as well make the best use of my time. There isn't a single thing in the Twisp house I didn't make a thoughtful decision to take over there. No more, no less that we need. Refreshing, compared to 40 years of random accumulated living in this old house-- while it's cozy and cluttered with nice things, what a pain to keep clean.

The garden is already transitioning to fall cleanup mode from the hot, dry summer.


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