Friday, January 3, 2020

Fruitcake Toss Day

Years ago, I always made a big batch of fruitcake around Thanksgiving. I'd soak them with cheap brandy then "age" them outside in the shed in a tight can until Christmas.  I can't believe I once did stuff like that! Showing no mercy, I gave them away as gifts. 

I don't remember anyone raving over my fruitcake except an English friend who called them "Christmas cakes." Dense, heavy fruitcakes are more popular in Great Britain.

Oh yea, when my brother went on his wilderness treks in the 1980's, he took my fruitcake along in his backpack as emergency survival food.  That was before energy bars had been invented.  And my grandmother, who never threw anything out, kept hers in the refrigerator for years.  

Despite all the bad jokes, a thin slice of well-made fruitcake is pretty good with a cup of tea now and then.  Anyway-- enough about fruitcake! If you have one, January 3 is the official day to pass it along.

I just read that December was the cloudiest, darkest month in Seattle in the past 5 years. Only 2 days in the entire month even qualified as partly cloudy-- every other day was officially cloudy.  Well, that's all behind us now, and we can look forward to rain and wind this weekend.

On the bright side, tomorrow we have tickets to a play called Monsieur Chopin at the Rep Theater. On Sunday, perhaps the final Seahawk game of the season?

Have a good weekend.

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