Thursday, August 22, 2019

Change is the only constant

We all have our little moments of glory.

Yesterday at the Stop n' Shop, I whipped through the complicated closing process in 10 minutes flat, impressing my new coworker.  The day's accounting may not be accurate to the penny, but hey, this isn't a bank. I get to go home.

Speaking of coworkers, the teenage volunteer was "fired" by the manager for not showing up.  Poor kid, I kind of miss her now, and hope her life eventually wanders on track.

The new cashier is about my age, but we couldn't be more different.  She  lives alone in a tiny studio apartment and loves it because she doesn't have or want any "stuff." Imagine that?  She doesn't entertain and never has guests because it's too much mess and trouble. She cooks her meals in a toaster oven. She doesn't like concerts, the theater or opera. She didn't mention any grand kids. She doesn't drive a car or garden, care for animals, or go out at night, and hasn't traveled for over 20 years. What does she do?

Despite all this, she was pleasant enough, and we found things to chat about, as women will.  But she seemed bored by the end of the day, and told me the last cashier she worked with "talked too much" so the manager put her on my shift.  Maybe she doesn't like me either? Whatever!

After a day of beautiful welcome rain, the skies are clearing out. I pick the girls up this morning for their two-night stay with us. This is a big first, and we're excited to have them.  Tonight is make-your-own-pizzas for dinner (talk about MESS) and then tomorrow John is taking off work so we can go to the Issaquah Zoo together. Of course they will wear us out, but in the best way.

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