Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Just add water

I don't use that many baking mixes, but I like our local Krusteaz brand.  This new flat-bread mix made four quick and easy pizza crusts on a cookie sheet.  I just mail-ordered my first pizza stone (everyone swears by them) so I'm looking forward to trying pizza outside on the grill.

John liked the Krusteaz flat-bread, but said it wasn't as good as my homemade yeast crust. Hey-- we can't always get what we want. Sometimes easy wins out.  Then I went back to Safeway to buy more and couldn't find it on the shelf.  Darn.

Krusteaz is a local company, and I'm not sure if you can buy their products in other parts of the country.  The company began in 1932, when the women of a Seattle bridge club came up with an idea for an easy-to-make pie crust.  The name Krusteaz is a clever combination of "crust" and "ease."

In the 1940's their "just add water" Pancake Mix was a unique invention. In the 60's, the company ran the "Krusteaz Kurtesy Kitchen" to promote the concept. It operated from this sweet VW van.

It contained a fully-equipped "traveling diner" that served free pancake breakfasts throughout the Northwest.  I can imagine hippies lining up for a free stack!

Krusteaz still has a loyal following and a large product line of biscuits, muffins, brownies, breads, cookies and desserts.  (Including some new gluten-free mixes.)

If you can find their flat-bread mix, give it a try.  It makes a dandy pizza Margherita in the oven. I'll let you know how the new stone works out on the grill.


  1. You might be able to get the flat bread mix at Cash and Carry. That's where I buy (don't tell!) five pound bags of Krusteaz pie crust mix. :-)

  2. Hi Myrtle!
    We'll have to plan a trip to the Bellevue Cash and Carry, for old times sake.
