Monday, March 19, 2012

To every season there is a reason

Girl at the Window
Antonia Rzhevskaya
from, A Study in Contrasts

Think Spring: warm air, flowers, bees, birds, sunny skies? Not so fast-- in the Northwest the La Nina weather pattern has us in a cold headlock. The weather gurus are saying that April should finally bring normal temperatures and less precipitation. In the meantime, it was another wild March weekend with cold rain, gusty wind and snow showers. But never mind, the seasons they go round n' round, the painted ponies go up and down. The first day of Spring begins today at 10:14 pm PST.

The center of the Sun will spend a equal amount of time above and below the horizon, which means roughly 12 hours of light and 12 hours of dark on Planet Earth. Day and night are the same length today, whether you're a penguin in Antarctica or a camel in the Sahara. If you stood like a human sundial on the Equator during the Equinox, the sun would pass directly overhead through its zenith and your shadow would completely disappear beneath you.
This is the time of year when the northern hemisphere celebrates (in wonderful and diverse ways) nature's resurrection and the victory of life over death. The ancient Zodiac enters Aries, the sign of the exaltation of the Sun, marking Spring when the days of light begin to outstrip the nights of darkness.

(artist unknown)

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