Friday, January 1, 2010

Another decade bites the dust...

AMC did a "Three Stooges" marathon yesterday, and my brother pointed out it was an appropriate way to wind down the decade.

It's interesting to look back at the quaint things we were worried about 10 years ago, like our computers shutting down the planet. The news was full of stories about hoarding food and water and guns, and getting ready for pioneer life off the grid. Well, that didn't happen-- and little did we know worse was ahead: 9/11, wars, economic catastrophe and freedom lost. And after all that, most Americans are poorer, less safe, and liked less by the the rest of the world. Will things ever get back to"normal?" Sure, but who wants to guess what the new normal will feel like.

But in our little world, there's also been the joy of babies, gardens, music, birds, horses and the greatest blessing of all -- good health in our family. Amanda is the light of our lives, we were proud of her in the Peace Corps, and then delighted when she made us grandparents for the first time. John has a good job, a fancy new airplane finally took to the skies, and Sizzle gets her hay every morning. On top of that, we've had some wonderful trips including Grenada. But above all else, enjoying friends and family with good food and many bottles of wine.

"Starship Junco," by Patricia Rogers

Are you ready for the next big adventure?
Happy New Year everyone!

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