Saturday, June 27, 2009

"Hole" Foods

This enormous hole is near the Junction and I drive by several times a week. This view has not changed in almost a year. All active work on the site stopped last fall, even though the developers repeatedly said the project was simply “between phases." Since then the declining economy and numerous lawsuits gave the situation a different slant.

A Whole Foods store was scheduled to be completed in a few months, but we know that isn't going to happen! Too bad because all cooks enjoy window shopping at Whole Foods. Sometimes I even buy things there, but I have to drive way across town, so it is out of temptation's way.
However, after years of dismal grocery store choices in our neighborhood (Safeway or Safeway) we now have the upscale Metropolitan Market and soon a new QFC (basically a fancy Krogers) will open just a block from here. So good luck to Whole Foods-- or I should say, "Hole" Foods! Frankly everyone in West Seattle hopes for a Trader Joes instead, and rumors continue to fly about that.

Certainly the look and feel of West Seattle has changed over the years and not all for the best. Dozens of identical (think tall and skinny) new condo and townhouse buildings lining the streets, with "for sale" signs out in front of each and every one.

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