Wednesday, May 22, 2024

More congrats in order


Our great-nephew in Utah graduated from high school this week. Here he is with my sister, proud Grandma. William has a college scholarship, but will start after he finishes his church mission in Vanuatu. Yes, the South Pacific! We wish him and the family all the best.

Well, I woke up late to the unusual sound of pouring rain, always so welcome on the dry side of the state. The deer were back, frolicking in the yard and the river rising, although not alarmingly so. Yet. This storm looks like a one day event.


Yesterday Amanda and I had a wonderful time in Omak, just the two of us which was a rare treat. She took me to lunch at a sweet place called "The Bread Line" and I had a delicious lettuce wrap plate while she hit the salad bar. I look forward to going back there this summer with the girls, all huge salad eaters.

After that, we went on a mini shopping spree at Marshall's and found all sorts of little indulgences like soap and housewares. The Marshall's store in Omak is much better than West Seattle, spacious and clean. In fact, many things are nicer here, in particular the people.  


And I found a wicker laundry basket worthy of my new washer.

On the way home, we stopped at Walmart to pick up Amanda's huge grocery order, in preparation for their weekend camping trip to Banks Lake. 

I'll hit the road back to Seattle in the morning, and if the weather clears out, might take the scenic route over the North Cascades Highway. Of course that means no stop in Cle Elum for fast food. Oh, waaa.

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