Thursday, May 9, 2024

Gonzaga University, then and now


About thirty years ago, I gave a presentation at an archives conference at Gonzaga University. We toured Bing Crosby House, where they have a collection of memorabilia on display, including his favorite pipe. Bing was a native of Spokane and a famous alumnus of Gonzaga.

I traveled often for Microsoft, and much of it was not memorable, but for some reason the details of that trip always stayed with me. Maybe it was prophetic. The campus was lovely in the spring, and the Spokane River at flood stage. That awesome sight took my breath away. I've always loved rivers.

In the mid-90's, Amanda had just finished school and was at that tricky age, still so young but starting to make her way out in the risky world. All too soon, Nova and Maya will be doing the same.

Oh, the worry, especially during those adventure travel and Peace Corps years. Eventually, marriage and a beautiful family and life in Methow Valley. What a blessing she has been all our lives.

But how amazed I would have been back then, knowing she would someday earn an advanced degree at that prestigious university. And someday far in the future, I would have a little house by a river. Dreams do come true. With hard work and persistence. And lots of support along the way. It brings tears to my eyes writing this, we are so proud.

I'm leaving the laptop at home to just savor the graduation moments. But we'll take pictures, and I'll post on the blog when we get back to Seattle.

Have a great weekend.

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