Thursday, September 29, 2022



Maya likes to bake, and Amanda says she can make banana bread by herself now. Florida could use some comfort food this morning. What a storm.

I checked with John's sister Rachel who lives north of Orlando, and other than not getting much sleep, she and kitty came through the storm OK and haven't lost power. It's still raining hard and when you think about rain measured in feet, it's almost incomprehensible how much water the ground can absorb in parts of Florida. Yes, it floods, but much of the state acts like a giant water sieve.

Seattle is famous for rain, but we don't get those intense eastern downpours. At least not very often. If it rains even a couple inches in a day there's urban flooding. Almost all of these old houses have basements, like ours, which are prone to flooding though window and stair wells. We've never had water inside, but some close calls over the years.

Anyway, enough of that. We barely got enough rain yesterday to wet the sidewalks and it looks like the dry, warm weather continues into October.  No complaints here.

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