Friday, August 19, 2022



The wall repair yesterday was faster and much cleaner than I expected. Good to have a nice surprise for a change. None of that dreaded dry sanding and just a bit of white mess scattered on the floors and carpets, which we quickly cleaned up. It was all done is less than a day. The guys from "Wall Doctor" follow the destructive electricians around, so ho-hum stuff for them. Filling all those holes would have taken us weeks if we did it ourselves.

The repairs still need to be primed and paint somewhat matched, a new project we can do slowly. It's already nicer than an ugly hole over the bed. So, things are coming together again. 

The city inspection of the electrical work was done "remotely" over Facetime, if you can imagine that. At any rate, the work got the rubber stamp approval and the city got their $800. 

Onward to other late summer projects, like the yard pruning. I got an outrageously high bid from a Seattle arborist company to trim the palm tree, holly, cypress and an overgrown photinia. Yes, Seattle is expensive, but really?  I'm shopping around on that one.

We had gloomy cloud-cover yesterday, making 90 degrees feel extra sultry. The house is so hot overnight I've had a hard time sleeping. What a blessing this morning, it's actually raining for a few minutes and all the doors and windows open at this early hour to finally air things out. 

Have a good weekend.

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