Monday, October 25, 2021

What's new?


"Lemon" the Hen

I usually get a reaction to vaccines, but this time my immune system said, "Meh, whatever. One more weird thing stuck in her arm. No reason to make a fuss."

The pharmacist was quick and skillful so I got lucky. Watching TV, it seems like just about anyone can give shots these days, but obviously some people are more practiced, like nurses. I'm getting to be a connoisseur on the subject, having had so many this year.

In the germy Safeway pharmacy room (ugh) I sat waiting my turn and thought about the little old A&P in Quakertown where we shopped for groceries once a week. You went to the drugstore for medicine, the five and dime for sundries, department store for clothes, hardware store for nails, etc. until the big box retailers changed everything.  

In the 1950's, the thought of a grocery store employee giving shots to customers would have been stranger than science fiction. Only doctors gave shots, or we lined up in the hall for the school nurse. 

Some cute pictures Amanda sent from Twisp this weekend, where the weather was much nicer than here.

Tom and Nova's two-weekend construction project. Believe it or not, this is a new hamster home. The lucky rodent will come from a pet store in Wenatchee, a 200 mile round trip from Twisp.

In other news, the bomb cyclone brushed past Puget Sound and then headed up to the west coast of Vancouver Island where fortunately hardly anyone lives. Seattle dodged a bullet, although outlying areas were hit hard. Down in California, too much of a good thing, in this case rain, but that's the weather story-- feast or famine.

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