Monday, February 8, 2021

Snow? Really?


I thought we might actually squeak through this winter without a big freeze, but alas, not to be. Temperatures go down in the 20's at night this week, and barely above freezing during the day.  Fortunately there isn't much moisture in the atmosphere, but what does come down will be in the form of snow.  

Sure snow is pretty, especially in December when you have no place to go, but not mid-February, when our thoughts have already turned to spring in Seattle. Even an inch of snow creates a traffic nightmare here. 

All I care about is getting to the hospital in Burien early Friday morning for our second shots. We haven't heard otherwise, so assume we still have appointments. My car is worthless in the snow, but we can always take our trusty old Honda "Little Beep," a veteran of several Seattle blizzards.

Did you have a good weekend?  I hope you had something good to eat and drink. As usual, the half-time entertainment left us clueless. Who is this entertainer? What does the show mean?  I sound just like my mom.

1 comment:

  1. We were celebrating Pat's birthday on their sailboat, so we missed the game. Re-halftime entertainment, I still prefer marching bands and I'm just too old for wardrobe malfunctions. I hope both of you do get your vaccinations. I'm also scheduled for 2nd dose on Thursday at the VA Hospital. Stay Safe. Dave
