Thursday, March 5, 2020

View from behind the register

Tourists are avoiding Seattle like the plague, and places like the Pike Place Market are ghost towns this week. Of course the virus is having a devastating effect on local businesses. Schools are closed for cleaning, people are working from home if they can and avoiding crowded, public places.

Still, I didn't notice much difference at the thrift store yesterday and we were fairly busy. The Senior Center is still open. It did me a world of good getting out of the house on a sunny afternoon, chatting with my friends and level-headed customers. Nothing feeds fear like social isolation and this constant barrage of dire "information" on our devices.  Work is the best cure for worry.

Yes, folks were concerned, but buying into the hysteria is also a choice. Life must go on. I swabbed my counter down with Lysol a few times and used gobs of hand sanitizer. What else can you do?  Of course it's harder on those of us with a tendency toward  hypochondria! But when you're almost 70 years old, I doubt the world is significantly more dangerous than it was a month ago.

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