Saturday, March 21, 2020

Oh my, blueberry pie

When John and I were team-shopping at Safeway on Thursday, a jar of gourmet blueberry filling mysteriously fell into my cart.  Hum, how did that happen?  Probably a divine hint from above to make a homemade pie. With all the time in the world these days, why not?

Learning to slow down is another hard lesson in this strange, isolating experience. All that busy rushing around seems like a lifetime ago. As do all our normal routines. No one in living memory can recall anything like this.  So let there be pie.

People are hard-wired social creatures and they will always find ways to connect. This is good. I talk to my sister every day, instead of once a week or so. They are fine. Marji is the enduring optimist, and Dad, the 96-year old philosopher, always says "one day at a time, and see what happens."  What else can we do? Everything is out of our control, except for how we react to it.

I text and email with old friends more which is comforting. A coworker from at the Stop n' Shop called me yesterday out of the blue (we never did that before!) I found out she lives just around the corner. We might chat over the social distancing fence sometimes.

All of us miss our social circles, especially the seniors who live alone. My heart goes out to people with mental health issues. This is testing the very strongest of us. In this dense and rather isolating city,  where few people know their neighbors even a block away, more connection is a good thing.  

The weather was so lovely in yesterday, it was hard to believe there could be a single problem in the world. I opened the windows to let in the fresh, sweet air.

Thar she blows.

I talked to Amanda, and she said work was tiring and stressful yesterday but it felt good to be doing something.  God bless them. They are in uncharted territory, without much guidance from "above" to get protocols in place to protect themselves and help the frightened community. Their little family clinic is the only place to go for many miles. Can you imagine, now they must deal with a pandemic. There is such goodness in the world.


  1. It is for times like these that God gave us Skype and Facetime.

  2. That pie looks delicious. I think I will make one soon.
