Thursday, December 19, 2019

Dream bars and Dreamliners

Yesterday was "Bake Cookie Day" and so I did. Two batches of coconut dream bars (everyone's favorite and frankly a pain to make) then a bunch of decorated cookie airplanes for John to take to work today. My annual holiday contribution to the dedicated Boeing workforce. Over the years, surely I've made a cookie for every single employee?  I'm cookied out for another year.

The rain held off yesterday and I walked to the store. My lower back is bothering me and I hoped the exercise would help. Honestly, this cold and damp climate is hard on the old bones. Those snow birds are really onto something.

It was a nice uneventful afternoon in retail land. Not to brag, but I'm getting pretty good at my cashier job. Probably because I've now worked through the entire list of common mistakes, at least once, and I tend to learn from my goofs. For some reason, people had wads of money to spend yesterday.  Real money.  Was it social security day? Usually folks are thrown into a tizzy because they can't charge a $2 coffee mug (we have a $5 minimum for charges.)

Next Wednesday is Christmas, then the following New Years Day, so I'm on furlough for a couple of weeks. I'm ready for a break from the store. I've only missed one day since I started last spring.

I still have quite a bit to do before Tuesday and most of it revolves around food, my favorite subject. I got in a final trip to Costco on a dry day. Yea. Purgatory?  Pushing a loaded cart across the vast Costco parking lot in the pouring rain.  I bought a nice smoked ham for Christmas dinner. At least I hope it's good, the big thing is wrapped in gold foil so you can't see what you're buying.

The kids are too excited to eat on Christmas morning, and by afternoon, too tired and distracted with their new stuff. After weeks of preparations, I just wish the holiday stretched out longer. It's a awful lot to pack into a single day. Both for children and adults.

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