Friday, September 6, 2013

Feast or famine

CAPE: Convective Available Potential Energy

Meteorologists use a measurement called CAPE to determine the amount of instability in the atmosphere.  Around here, we usually don't have a CAPE reading above 200, but yesterday it reached 2000 in some places, meaning the potential for strong thunderstorms. The weather is unsettled and strange for September-- not the ordinary rain we get in early fall. There's been more lightening and thunder in the past few days than in the last 10 years.  It was a wet night, and we'll get another inch or so today.
I cut some dahlias and roses yesterday before the heavy rain knocked them over.  Still so pretty, but it's almost time to switch gears to clean-up mode.  There's a back-breaking amount of vegetation that has to be cut off and hauled out of here after our vacation. I was thinking about asking Mr. Lee to "rent" me one of his strong, hard working boys for a few hours.

Speaking of cleaning up, the raccoons left a nice mess on the deck yesterday morning.  There was a bucket of plums (left outside because of fruit flies) and of course the rascals waited until they were perfectly ripe before dropping by. They took a bite out of a few and then scattered them around.  Well, no amount of washing is enough when it comes to raccoon saliva, so the rest went in the compost.  My fault, I should have given them all away sooner because everyone loved them.  I had it in my mind to make some "plum compote" but it's actually a relief to pack up the canner until next year.   

And last but not least.  Happy birthday John!  Hope your workday passes quickly-- your favorite birthday dinner tonight.  So I'd better get busy.