Friday, January 14, 2011

Rain and more rain

I like these cold, gray winter days.
Days like these let you savor a bad mood.
~Bill Watterson

This week Seattle had four inches of snow, followed by a toasty warm-up that left behind a slushy, sloppy city. But now just rain for the foreseeable future, up to 8 inches over the next few days. In the mountains it's been snowing and snowing. On the eastern side of the state, they're getting into cabin fever season.

Amanda said a tummy flu is being passed around between the babies (and parents) in their little community. She told me just the other morning how amazing that Nova hadn't caught "it" from her friends. Oops, that very afternoon "it" came on dramatically, as these things do. Fortunately, "it" runs its course quickly and Nova seemed to be doing fine yesterday. Hopefully Amanda and Tom aren't next in line.

Here's Nova taking an adorable nap in front of the fire.

1 comment:

  1. Nova is still feeling a little cruddy (which translates to a little whiny) this morning though she slept well last night with no fever.. Tom and I still have our fingers crossed that we will escape the same fate!
