Friday, January 7, 2011

Baby, it's cold outside

Here's the weather over in eastern Washington:

Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday
Ice Pellets
29° F | 27° F
Chance of Snow
32° F | 22° F
Partly Cloudy
29° F | 9° F
Partly Cloudy
23° F | 2° F
Partly Cloudy
23° F | -1° F
Ice Pellets
40% chance of precipitation
Chance of Snow
50% chance of precipitation
Partly Cloudy Partly Cloudy Partly Cloudy

You need lots of layers to go outside.
And when you dress yourself, sometimes things get mixed up.
Boots and gloves? A good idea.
Then fun in the snow for Nova.
And for Roger, too-- walking near the Methow river.
Thanks, Amanda for the pictures!


  1. Is that underwear on that baby's head? Save this photo and bring it out again in about 14 years. A threat to show it to her friends will provide all the leverage you need.

  2. Yes, if her mother doesn't kill me first, for posting her laundry on the Internet :-)

  3. I did mention these might not be "blog quality" photos, mother... :)
